Fix your cashflow fast

Drake Financial Services are specialists in working with fast-growth businesses who want more than the standard accounting and tax solutions, but who also want to apply highly effective cash management solutions and systems so that they can protect their business against painful and unnecessary cashflow shortages.

We support our client’s growth with systems and advice to enable you to know your self-financeable growth rate, manage your 7 drivers for continuous improvement and ensure your business is always best positioned for growth from a financial perspective. The 7 drivers of cashflow are: pricing, sales volume, cost of goods sold, overhead costs, debtor days, creditor days and stock days.


  • A clear line-of-sight on your cash forecast so you can grow your sales with confidence.
  • The ability to grow your top line with confidence by reducing unforeseen and show-stopping defaults from customers.
  • The ability to calculate the future impact any changes in the 7 drivers will have on both your cashflow position as well as your profitability, e.g. will a 10% increase in volume with a 5% reduction in price be beneficial for your business or not.
  • Allowing you the ability to identify strategies to improve the 7 drivers of cashflow and know the impact of these strategies on both your cashflow, profitability and your business valuation upfront.
  • Identify cashflow shortages in advance allowing sufficient time to agree terms with banks and other financial providers.
  • The ability to show banks and other financial service providers the impact various business strategies will have on your ability to make loan repayments.
  • Reduce the risk of unwanted no-cash surprises.
  • Less external funding with expensive interest costs required.
  • Ability to grow sales and operations faster.
  • Being able to meet your payment obligations at month end and pay yourself a full salary.
  • Proactive management of your cash position – knowing where you stand at any moment and whether you are on track or not with your cash position.


Get your FREE copy of 7 ways to fix your cash flow fast


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